Dear families,
We hope this newsletter finds you well.
We have had a bustling term here at Roding with lots of learning and new experiences to share! Our learning behaviour focus this term has been 'independence' and it has been a pleasure watching the children demonstrate levels of independence within their learning, in school and out of school as well. The school has had a strong focus on pupil voice this term and children have been asked to articulate their views and share their knowledge of the school curriculum with teachers, leaders and external visitors as well. These visitors included the school governors, who were very impressed by the level of confidence our children displayed. We are excited to see how the children will flourish in this area for the remainder of the school year.
At the end of the term, there are times when we need to say goodbye and farewell to some of our staff team. Mrs Walker, who has been a dedicated member of the support staff team and has worked at Roding for over 20 years, will be retiring at the end of this term. Mrs Adeusi, Year 1 teacher, is leaving to take on new adventures. Mrs Begum has worked in 5M for a short time but will be leaving to return to her school (Mrs Moeed will be returning to Roding). Mrs Malik joined Roding in the Autumn term as our temporary Finance Officer and although many of you may not know her by name, she has been instrumental in supporting the school's finances. Finally, Miss Zerin will be leaving as she has chosen to work closer to home. In addition to this, Mrs Payne will be starting Maternity Leave shortly after the Easter Break and Miss A Durrance will be leaving for Turkey, where she works as a play leader during the holiday season. We are sure we will see her back at Roding again soon! Please join us in wishing them all well on their future adventures!
We want to take this opportunity to extend our warm wishes to our Christian family and friends during this period of lent and also our Muslim family and friends during this period of Ramadan.
Wishing you all a restful Easter break, and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 15th April.
Do not forget to check out the UPDATED school events calendar which will be emailed to you soon.
Mrs H Radmore and Ms M Nwankiti