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Free to Achieve


Educational Visits

At Roding Primary School, educational visits are a vital part of our commitment to enriching the curriculum and providing memorable learning experiences. Each child participates in a minimum of three educational experiences a year, with some year groups enjoying even more. These include offsite visits as well as in-school workshops led by experts.


These experiences are carefully planned to link directly with the curriculum, enhancing children's understanding of topics in a hands-on and engaging way. They help build cultural capital, broadening children’s horizons and giving them real-world contexts for their learning—experiences that they remember for years to come.


We also offer exciting residential trips that provide unique challenges and learning opportunities. In Year 5, children enjoy a short 3-day residential at Lambourne End, where they participate in outdoor activities that develop teamwork and resilience. In Year 6, we offer a week-long residential to Wales, where students take part in activities such as caving, climbing, and orienteering, promoting independence and personal growth. These trips not only enhance the children's confidence and social skills but also create lasting memories and friendships.

From time to time, we ask for parent volunteers to help support these enriching visits, ensuring that our children have the best possible learning experiences outside the classroom.